Salt therapy - An Ancient, Natural Way For Respiratory Rehab

Our body works as a single unit, each organ system acts as a partner to run our lives. For instance, according to ancient and modern sciences, the respiratory system not only includes anatomical lungs, bronchus and alveoli but also is co-related to the skin, immune system and sinuses. When the lung is healthy and intact your voice is clear, skin is brighter and the immune system is strong enough to fight off pathogens.

Our current lifestyle, increased pollution, unpredictable weather changes and high chances of pathogenic invasions contributes to deteriorating respiratory health to a great extent.

Interventions like dry salt therapy or halotherapy are one the most efficient and effective methods for pulmonary rehabilitation. The use of salt in medicine is not foreign or new (The saline solution has been used for years in medicine to clear sinuses, clean wounds, treat dehydration and many more ).

Scientific Basis Of Salt Therapy:

1. Salt therapy has effects in both the lower respiratory tract and also acute and chronic upper airway inflammations.

2. It produces better lung function parameters and diminishes bronchial hyperactivity indicating a decreased inflammatory reaction.

3. Due to greater osmotic pressure the inhaled salt diminishes oedema of the bronchial mucosa, decreases its inflammation, dissolves the mucus and makes expectoration easier and faster.

4. It inhibits or kills the growth of pathogens.

5. It can also prevent or decrease the frequency of respiratory tract inflammations.

6. Significant relaxation effect on the Central Nervous System is noted.

7. It is also beneficial on dermatological diseases like Psoriasis, pyoderma and atopic dermatitis.

We have been using salt therapy for the past two years for treating various respiratory and skin conditions and also witnessed great improvement in people's respiratory health and general health. Many of our patrons have complemented salt therapy for keeping them away from hospitals and nebulizers.



Do you live in Bangalore, India, and need some advice? Feel free to contact to us at +91 7760581777 We will do our best to help you out.


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