Unveiling the Transformative Effects of Far Infrared Sauna on Health Conditions and Physiological Changes:

In recent years, far infrared sauna therapy has gained popularity for its potential health benefits. This type of sauna employs infrared radiation to generate heat, which is absorbed by the body to produce a range of physiological changes. In this blog, we will explore the effects of far infrared sauna on various health conditions, including its impact on weight loss and endocrine health, with a specific focus on the thyroid and PCOD/PCOS, which are more common now a days.

Far Infrared Sauna and Weight Loss:

One of the widely recognized benefits of far infrared sauna is its potential contribution to weight loss. During a sauna session, the body is exposed to heat, leading to increased heart rate and blood flow. This rise in core body temperature triggers a process known as thermogenesis, which stimulates the body's metabolic rate.

As the body works to cool itself down, it expends energy and burns calories. Although the exact number of calories burned can vary depending on factors such as age, weight, and individual metabolism, research suggests that a 30-minute session in a far infrared sauna can burn

Endocrine Health and Far Infrared Sauna:

1.       Thyroid Health: The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, energy production, and hormone balance. Some studies suggest that far infrared sauna therapy may have a positive impact on thyroid health. By promoting improved blood circulation and enhancing cellular function, far infrared sauna can potentially support thyroid function and optimize hormone production.

2.       PCOD/PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. PCOS is characterized by irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, and the presence of cysts in the ovaries. Far infrared sauna therapy may offer benefits for individuals with PCOD/PCOS through several mechanisms:

a.       Hormonal balance: Regular sauna sessions can promote detoxification by aiding the elimination of toxins and metabolic waste products. This detoxification process may help reduce the burden on the endocrine system and promote hormonal balance.

b.       Stress reduction: Stress can exacerbate PCOD/PCOS symptoms. Far infrared sauna induces a state of relaxation and promotes the release of endorphins, reducing stress levels. By managing stress, sauna therapy may indirectly improve symptoms associated with PCOD/PCOS.

c.       Blood circulation: Improved blood circulation resulting from far infrared sauna therapy may enhance ovarian function, potentially leading to better hormonal regulation in individuals with PCOD/PCOS.

Caloric Burn and Far Infrared Sauna:

As mentioned earlier, a 30-minute session in a far infrared sauna can burn an estimated 300-600 calories. However, it is important to note that the calories burned during a sauna session primarily come from the increased heart rate and metabolic activity, rather than intense physical exertion. Far infrared sauna should be viewed as a supplementary method to support weight loss efforts, alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

Cardiovascular Health:

One of the notable effects of far infrared sauna usage is its potential benefits for cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that regular sauna sessions can lead to improved endothelial function, increased blood flow, and reduced blood pressure. This can be attributed to the heat stress created by the infrared radiation, which triggers the release of nitric oxide, a vasodilator that helps relax blood vessels. By enhancing circulation, far infrared saunas may contribute to improved cardiovascular function and overall heart health.

Pain Management and Inflammation Reduction:

Far infrared saunas have been recognized for their potential to alleviate chronic pain and reduce inflammation in various conditions. The deep heat generated by the infrared radiation can penetrate muscles, joints, and tissues, promoting relaxation and relieving discomfort. This effect has been observed in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and musculoskeletal injuries. The heat-induced increase in blood flow also aids in delivering nutrients and removing waste products from affected areas, further aiding in pain relief and healing.


Detoxification is a process by which the body eliminates harmful toxins and waste products. Far infrared saunas have shown promise in assisting the body's natural detoxification mechanisms. As the body's core temperature rises during sauna sessions, sweating increases, facilitating the excretion of toxins, heavy metals, and metabolic byproducts through the skin. While more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these detoxification effects, early studies suggest that far infrared sauna therapy may play a role in supporting the body's natural detoxification processes.


Far infrared sauna therapy offers a range of potential benefits for individuals seeking improved health and well-being. From aiding weight loss by boosting metabolism to positively influencing endocrine health, particularly in relation to the thyroid and PCOD/PCOS, far infrared sauna has garnered attention as a non-invasive and relaxing form of therapy. At Bodhsara Wellness with the help of our qualified doctors have imbibed this Infrared sauna to for several health conditions and have seen promising results in the field of weight management, thyroid issues, PCOD/PCOS and many more. Visit us at Bodhsara Wellness and embrace the warmth and benefits of far infrared sauna.

Do you live in Bangalore, India, and need some advice? Feel free to contact to us at +91 7760581777 We will do our best to help you out.


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